trust that all is well. a quick note in response to many comments received on the african fractal stuff. here is an introduction to some of the current current thinking on this matters. the speaker is robert devaney. a personal note: i owe bob devaney a personal debt of gratitude. it was a course on his book that that opened my eyes to the world of living mathematics. the pictures are beautiful and the logic clear. take a look at the presentation.
1. [youtube=] .
2. for a little more weird try zooming in on a mandelbrot set.
3. Finally, for some explanations, see [youtube=] .
4. a nice exercise would be to view the presentation above through the lens of eglash and to eglash through these lens.
5. let’s set up a little group to learn about the mandelbrot set in the fall.
6. go kobe!
smile and be well.